Weeks 2 through 8 of 13

Wow, I really thought I'd written more! There have been so many trips so far this term. Lots of lab work too, which isn't my favourite, but it is interesting. Basically everything this term is gearing us up for our Contagious Diseases state at the end of term. I'm a bit scared for it, but I got through Epizoo and it's basically the same thing. I'm more worried about the Food Hygiene state, because there's so much detail needed for every little part of food production. I've pretty much finished my thesis, I'm waiting for confirmation from my supervisor that I can submit it, and then that's something huge I don't have to think about for a little while. I'm still pretty stressed about it, but as soon as it's submitted I can relax a little. 13 days left until the deadline! There's a student conference that my supervisor said I should present my thesis at. Still in two minds about it, because it's a bit more work (I have to su...