Winter semester update

I have 10 credit tests over the next 3.5 weeks. Several of them are just little tests about what we've learnt in practicals that I'm not too worried about. The others are tests about the practicals we never got to do which does make things a bit harder. I think the lecturers are very good putting all the necessary informatin into the slides, and have been happy to re-explain any bits that don't quite make sense. 

After that, it's Christmas break! Just kidding, it's the winter exam period. 

I'm hoping to get at least 1 exam (latin) done before Christmas, and hopefully biophysics too if I can. We have all of January to do all of the exams, which in my case is 7 of them. Exam dates haven't been released yet so I haven't been able to plan a bit of a revision timetable yet. Trying to remind myself to look at individual trees at one time rather than the whole forest all at once... 

I feel like I blinked and suddenly I'm nearly halfway through my first year of vet school. I'm sure only last week I was packing my suitcase to fly to Slovakia for the first time. So much has happened since then, both exciting and not-so-exciting. Nearly every week we'd say, "this week will be calm, and I will spend all of my time studying" and then something large and disruptive would happen. Hopefully we're through all the surprises now though


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