It's the last day before the course starts! I'm very excited to get going. I've been doing a bit of learning to refresh my memory on some things I've half-forgotten since A-levels.
Me and two other people went back to Malá farma today. So nice to be around animals for a couple of hours. Apparently there's a cynology module later in the course, and one of the practicals is at Malá farma - if they know you they're more likely to give you a nice dog! Even if that's not true, it's probably not a bad idea to be friendly with as many people as I can. I got to play with the kittens today too. They're so tiny and I could have easily snuck them back in my backpack...
Tiny kittens! They were purring so loudly! |
Had the weekly family zoom call when I got back - hi nanny and grandpa! Very lovely to see everyone, and I think it's going to be really important to my sanity here to have a bit of regularity.
A quick update on the cases I've made previous blog posts about; the dog attack patient went on to make a full recovery, albeit missing a right jugular vein. Sadly the dog with the pericardial effusion died during surgery, but we managed to prolong his life for a few weeks and minimise his pain.
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