
Showing posts from March, 2022

Weeks 5 & 6

 Not gonna lie, I've felt pretty emotional for the last few days. I didn't update my blog last week because all I could think about was my cat, but actually I did some cool stuff! On Monday 7th, we did our first post mortem. It was a cat, and we couldn't find many gross lesions, aside from a few very large lymph nodes, and a chronically inflamed GIT. The teacher didn't know the history, as the animals don't always come from the university clinic. It was quite interesting, and I didn't feel as squicked by it as I thought I would (except for the part where we had to remove the brain. Pretty sure that's put me being a pathologist for good). It'll be interesting when we're all a bit more practiced. Unfortunately because we did anatomy online, we're not the best at identifying structures.  We also had our first breeding and diseases of game practical, where we went into the university museum to look at some taxidermy. I have mixed feelings about taxid...

My Boy

Goodbye, my old friend. I hope you enjoyed your time with us. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a cat that had a better life.  Thank you for letting me practice my clinical skills on you, I know it annoyed you when I poked and prodded at you. Thank you for being such a good patient when you needed your ear cleaning twice a day - I will think of you every time I clean another cats' ears.  I will miss your little black shadow on the steps outside. I'll miss our countryside walks together. I'll miss watching you play with your tinfoil ball. I wish you'd have waited for me to come home, but I know you liked to do everything on your own terms. Goodbye my sweet boy, I'll be seeing you.   May 10 2010 - March 10 2022